Name Surname: Specialist Doctor ÇİMEN VAN
Outpatient Clinic: Physical Therapy 1
Contact Address: menemendh.bilgi@saglik.gov.tr
Education Information: Ege University School of Medicine
Samsun 19 Mayıs University Faculty of Medicine
Duty Locations: Konya Palace Front SSK hospital
Samsun 19 Mayıs University Faculty of Medicine FTR Clinic
Kastamonu Rehabilitation Hospital
Isparta Yalvac State Hospital
Areas of Interest: Shoulder Periarthritis - Lumbar and Cervical Dyscopathies
Hemiplegia rehabilitation - Scoliosis
Areas of Special Interest: Rheumatological Diseases
Foreign Language: English
Scientific Institutions of which it is a member: National FTR Association
Hobbies: Folklore - Travel - Garden flowers