Chest diseases department is the main science that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases in the lung and respiratory system. Department physicians dealing with many diseases such as asthma, allergic diseases, bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pneumonia, tuberculosis, lung embolism, chronic cough, lung cancer, respiratory disorders during sleep, and diseases related to cigarette addiction, working with a multidisciplinary approach arranges treatment. When necessary for diagnosis and treatment, many different techniques are used, such as advanced radiological imaging tests, laboratory tests, challenging vital capacity test performed in the respiratory function laboratory, diffusion test. Specialist physicians who diagnose and treat diseases related to chest diseases also help their patients about cigarette addiction, smoking related diseases and smoking cessation methods. In the light of developing technology and medical science, chest diseases department physicians who make diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of lung diseases receive specialty training for the chest diseases department after 4 years of medical education. Chest diseases specialists perform the diagnosis and treatment of diseases by displaying a multidisciplinary approach in the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases such as the diseases that develop due to allergic factors, lung cancer and respiratory problems developing during sleep. In addition, department physicians prepare reports regarding the tests and provide information and training to patients and their relatives about what should be done after discharge.
Which diseases are diagnosed and treated in the Department of Chest Diseases?
Department of Chest Diseases deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases that develop due to respiration and lung. Patients are treated by specialist physicians of the department, when required, by outpatient follow-up or inpatient care. For the diagnosis of respiratory system problems among chest diseases, physicians benefiting from laboratory and radiological examinations, intraocular pressure measurements, lung volume tests, diffusion test, reversibility test, slow vital capacity test and forced vital capacity in the respiratory function laboratory located between department laboratories. It makes many diagnostic attempts such as test. It works in coordination with other department physicians for methods such as skin test application in diseases caused by allergic causes. For the diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders due to respiration, the chest laboratory specialist physicians also deal with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases in the bronchoscopy unit where advanced imaging services are provided.
What are Chest Diseases?
Examination, follow-up and treatment of all lung diseases within the branch are performed by physicians of the chest diseases department. There are many diseases that prevent the person from doing daily activities, reduce the quality of life, cause discomfort, occur in the respiratory system and lung. Diseases that cause many complaints such as cough, pain in the chest, back and shoulders, wheezing, sputum, snoring, blood accompanied by cough, weakness, sweats only at night, fever, loss of appetite and weight loss. is treated. Some of these diseases are as follows:
Lung embolism
Lung cancer
Allergic lung diseases
Chronic cough
Asthma, bronchiectasis and COPD, known as obstructive pulmonary diseases
Pleurisy, commonly known as the accumulation of fluid in the lung membrane
Pneumothorax, or, in other words, the lung's extinction
Pneumonia defined as pneumonia
It is a type of disease that is not yet known, causing lung involvement and can be treated; sarcoidosis
Cigarette addiction, quitting methods and diseases related to smoking
In particular, the physician first listens to the patient's comprehensive history. After the physical examination, radiological imaging methods and laboratory tests can be used when necessary. Similarly, additional tests may be performed in the respiratory function laboratory depending on the patient's condition, history and examination. After the diagnosis of the disease, the pulmonologist determines the appropriate treatment method and treats it by outpatient follow-up or inpatient, depending on the current condition of the patient.
What are Respiratory Function Tests?
Slow Vital Capacity Test: It is a test method used to determine lung capacity with a spirometer device. During this test, the patient takes a deep breath and then releases it inside the mask that is worn to cover his mouth and nose. The device measures the amount of gas expelled after a slow expiration, that is, after exhalation, known as inspiration. The amount of air entering and exiting the lungs is determined during a calm breathing.
Challenging Vital Capacity Test: Measured by rapid and strong exhalation after a deep breathing procedure