Name Surname: Specialist Doctor ULVİYE UZAR
Polyclinic: Child Health and Diseases 1
Contact Address: aulviye@hotmail.com
Education Information: Istanbul University School of Medicine
Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Medicine (1994)
Duty Places: Seferi Hisar Necat Hepkon State Hospital
Odemis State Hospital
Seydişehir State Hospital
Administrative Duties: Private Can Hospital
Private Akhisar Hospital
Private Dogus Hospital
Private Ege Umut hospital
Certificates obtained: NRP Certificate
Pediotic Ael Medical Foundation Certificate
Fields of Interest: Asthma - Respiratory System diseases - New Intensive Care
Foreign Language: English
Foreign Organizations of which he is a member: Chamber of Medicine
Hobbies: Trekking