History of Ephesos
Ephesos antique city is located in the borders of Selçuk district, İzmir and it was built at B.C. 6000s. According to excavations and investigations, it was observed that there are Tunç Mountains and settlements belonged to Hittits in Ayasuluk Hill where a castle is in and around Ephesos. This city was called as ‘Apasas at Hittit period. Migrants wo come from Greece at B.C. 1050s lived in Efes Harbour. Then, they moved to around Artemis Temple at B.C. 560s. Today’s Ephesos was constituted by General of Alexander the Great, Lysimakhos at B.C. 300s. Ephesos had its heyday at periods of Hellenictic and Rome.Moreover, it had 200.000 people as population and Ephesos which was the capital of Asia State had the most largest harbour city. Ephesos replaced in Byzantine Period and it was moved to Ayasuluk Hill at Selçuk constituted at first.
Magnesia Gate
Fortification walls of Ephesus are at eastern side. Panayır Mountain was strengthened with Lysimakhos ramparts estimated that they are built was at the same dates. Magnesia Gate which is situated in land of Panayır Mountain and Bülbül Mountain is the only city gate emerged with excavations. Artemision way which was restored by Damianus goes to the way of Menderes Magnesia and Kaystros Walley.
Eastern Gymnasion and Public Agora Baths
Public bath/ gymnasion (Rome Period School) social complex is located in Magnesia Gate at the North was built at A.D. second half of 2nd century. Floors of Saloons are covered with mosaic at the west and South sides of public bath.
Basilica with three naves as cemetry was built in Late Antique Period at highway.
Above Agora (Public Agora) and Basilica
It was constituted at Hellenistic Period at first. Then, it was completed in the Rome Period of Emperor Augustus. Agore trade is controlled by Government and meetings, organizations and operations of stock market were made here. In addition to this, there was a basilica which functions as trade stock market of Ephesos in Agore as well there was a rectangular temple in the middle of Agora.
It was built by Publius Vedius Antoninus and his wife Flavia Papina at A.D. 2nd century.
The roof of this structure was covered with wood, ‘city council’ meeting was made and th concerts were performed. Its capacity was 1.400 people. Front of stage was consisted of two fold columns. Moreover, Its outside was decorated with sculptures in aedicules.
Today’s Ephesos is a municipal building. Kent fire symbolizing ‘immortility of the city’ burns steadily. There were an emperor and a god sculptures around saloon. In addition to this, there were priests’ name worked at prytaneion and some religious writings on six doric columns. This building was built at B.C. 3rd century of Lysmachos period at first. Antiques
Belongs to A.D. 1st century generally. After an earthquake of 4th century marble Artemis scupltures exhibited at Ephesos Museum were buried here due to cultural reasons. Builgind near it separated for official resthome.
Domitianus Temple
It was built for Emperor Domitian at A.D. years of 81-96 This large temple’s shape is ‘U’.
Parts belonged to Domitian sculpture exhibited at Ephesos Museum. Gallery found in under temple was used as a storage and Ephesos inscription gallery.
Pollio Fountain
It was located in Domitian Area at the South and it was built by C. Afillius at A.D year of 98 for C. Sextilius Pollio. Pollio fountain which has a large pool is still exhibited at Ephesos Museum with Odysseus and Polyphemos sculptures. Hospital structure is found at the North of the fountain.
Memmius Memorial
It was built at A.D 1st century of Emperor Augustus. According to a memorial, it was dedicated to Memmius who was the grandchild of Sulla. Moreover, an additional fountaion was built at A.D. 4th century at northwest.
Herakles Gate
This gate was consructed for triumphal arch at A.D. end of 4th century. Then it was turned to Kuretler Street walk way. It takes this name because of embossments of Force God Herakles (Hercules). It is thought that these embossments brought from another structure at A.C. 2nd century.
Kuretler Street
the large part of this building which was completed at A.D. 1st century are covered with marble. The Street has columns, wooden walkways and shops at the back. The Street was decorated with wellknown people’s sculptures of the empire and city. There was a sewer system under the Street.
Traian Fountain
This building is two folded. It was built for Emperor Traian at A.D. year of 114. There was
Emperor Traian sculpture in the middle.A sphere found under the sculpture’s foot smybolizes earth.
Slope Houses
Rich people lived at these house on slope of Bülbül Mountain. Houses were built as two-fold around light peristillium yard. First construction which was realized at A.D. 1st century used until the city was left. Houses were decorated with mosaics, mable facing of walls, frescos. The houses had fountains and central heating system.
Varius Public Baths
They were the most important structure of the Romans. Gimnasium was also used after its own period. It had cold, warm and hot parts, resting, reading and sitting rooms. It was completed at 2nd centurry and it was restored at Byzantium period. There is sculpture of niche public baths Skholastikia who restored it at Christian period.
Hadrianus Temple
It was built as a temple for Emperor Hadrianus by P. Quintilis at A.D. years of 118-138 in
Various Public Complex of Kuretler Street. Corinth was regular. The embossment of the God of City and Fortune &Luck, Tike is present. The originals of friezes mentioned at establishment legend are exhibited at Ephesos Museum. The statue found at the front of columns belongs to Bronz pedestals of Dioklotian, Maksimian, Constantius Cholorus ve Galerius sculptures.
Public Toilets (Latrina)
The door of the toilet has a decorated pool in the middle of columns. In addition to this, it was used as gathering area. It was dated as A.D. 1st century. There were toilets which did not have any part wall between each other. These toilets which were made of marble laid together as closet. Moreover, there is a canal for cleaning and granolithic floor is present.
Love House
Two folded building was built Emperor at Traianus – Hadrianus periods, A.D. 2nd century.
The floor of house was made of mosaic and marble and it has double entrance from Kuretler Street and the walls were made of frescos facing. Its floor was covered with colorful mosaics.
Priapos statue known as Statue of the God Bes exhibited at Ephesos Museum were found in this house.
Alytarkhus Stoas
It was built at late Hellenistic period. It was formed finally between slope houses and Kuretler Street at A.D. years of 440-441. Its was lenght is 50 m; its width is 5 m. There are 10 shops at the South, colorful marble colomns are at the North. Mosaic pannels of base slab are colorful and it has geometric pattern.
The octagonal planned on square planned podium is a corinth regular tomb. It was built for a young girl who was a member of Alexander the great general, the Egyptian King Ptolemaioses. In addition to this it is said that it was constructed for sister of Cleopatra, Arsinae IV.
Two letters written by Emperor Valens, Valentinianus ve Gratianus to the Ephesoses at A.D. 4rd century take place on covering podium under octagon of blocks on the road
Androklos memorial planned ‘U’ was constructed for legendary founder of Ephesos, it was the structure of ordered Dor. There is a memorial on infrastructure gabled ordered Ion.
War stages were embossed on the gablet
A fountain pool was built together stoas in front of the memorial at Byzantium Period of Emperor Iustunianus (A.D. 526-565)
Marbe Street
The Street reaches out the theatre from library area. It was restorated at various terms. There is a platform where cars use for the pedestrians near road. There is a canalization carrying waste water of the city under the Street. There are figures of a woman, left foot and hearts made with scraping technique in the middle of the Street. Therefore, it is believed that there was an advertisement of woman at Love House.
Celcus Library
The structure as tomb memorial was built by Consul Gaius Julius Aquila on behalf of his father, general governor, Celcus Polamaeanus ay A.D. the yeat of 117. The library and tomb memorial take on a task. Book rollers were hidden in the wall niche of structure. The front was restored between the years of 1970-1980. 4 women statues exhibiting copies reason,virtue, understanding and scientific features of Celcus are present at frontages of the building.
Agora Southern Gate
‘West Gate’ was built after Augustus period and it was ordered Ion. It reaches out into the city from the harbour looking avenue at the east. This monumental structure was put on a podium
and its width is average 17 m. Therefore, it is accepted as a main entrance of Agora. Its one side was restored and added a ram at Domitianus period.
Tetragonos Agora
Lysimakhos who was the founder of Ephesos built trade agora called as ‘Tetragonos Agora’
After replacing the city of A.D. 3rd century, on old settlement and divine road. It was made large at the A.D. end of 1st century and turned to a area which has 2 galleries, 122 m stoas surrended square plan and closed. Agora is directed to Harbour and except its eastern side,
there are monumental gates at its three sides. In addition to this, Agora was used until 7th century as well there were temples, fountains, memorials, altars sacrificed to Gods and heros, statues of people serviced to the city
Large Theatre
The theatre is located at the southern outskirts of Panayır Mountain and it was built firstly at Hellenistic Period. Current remains belong to A.D. 1st and 2nd century. This antique theatre
is the largest thearte of the world with 24.000 people capacity. This three folded building which was decorated well and was 18 m height collapsed totally. Its stairs had three divisions to sit.
Harbour Street (Arcadiane)
This Street was constructed at Late Hellenistic Period. Then, it was restored at Emperor Arkadius (395-408) time. Its length is 528; its width is 11m. this Street was also used as ceremony Street and had galleries and shops near it. Moreover, it provided connection between Ephesos city and harbour. The memorials were constructed on light Street at Christian Period.
Theatre Gymnasionu
It is one of four-large gimnasion at Ephesos. Its dimensions are70x30 m. at the South side.
There is a palaestra which was surrended with porches and there are audicences sitting place at north side of this palaestra. This planned square structure has frigidarium at the South and tepidarium with pool in the middle. The large sallon is accepted as ‘Emperor Saloon’ at the North side.
Harbour Public Bath
This is a large structure groups at the end of Harbour Street. It consists of public bath, gymnasion and palaestra. It has a symmetrical plan at west axis. Its construction started at Emperor Domitianus period and it was restored due to earthquake of the year 356. Its yard was limited with semi round granolithic floored stoas at east and west side.
Church of the Virgin Mary
A church complex was constructed in west side of Olympieion southern stoa at Late Antique Period. Eastern part was changed and turned to a building resembling a palace. According to some claims, it is a church which was built fort he Virgin. Third Christian Consul was gathered in this church at 431 year.
Structure of Palace, Stadium Street, Stadium and Gymnasion
A part of Byzantine Palace and Street located at eastern side of parking area was restored.
Stadium is where sport games and competitions were performed at Antique Period. In addition to this, gladiator games were performed at Late Rome Period. Gymnasion is the complex of public bath-school near Stadium.
Artemis Temple
It is first marble temple of antique world. Frontage of the temple like other Artemis temples (mother goddess) is at the west side. It is accepted that Ephesian Artemis Temple is one of seven wonders of the world of Antique Era as the reflection of Aegean Archaic period. Some memorials were found at Myken period under Artemis Temple and it was built at first time in the middle of A.D. 6th century thanks to King Kroisos. According to a legend at antique resources, it was burned by Herostratos at A.D. yeat of 356, a night of the great of birth to eternalize. Unfortunately, the tample was restored by Architect, Paionios Demetrios and Kheirokrates, yet, it was plundered by the Goths at A.D. the year of 263. Accordingly, the cult was ended after the year of 400. Architectural elements belonged to the temple were used for some structures like St. Jean Basilica.
Seven Sleepers
This place was formed to tomb church at Byzantium Period on ourskirt of Panayır Mountain,
Seven sleepers story is about the cave which the seven Christian youngs refuged in due to torture of the idolaters at Late Rome Empire of Decius period (A.D. 249-251) and these youngs slept 200 years there. Then, they woke up at Theodosius II period in the cave ( tomb memorial). There are two church and many tombs here. The remains are dated as A.D. 5-6 centuries.